TAVS Centre Cardiff – A Place of Wellbeing and Safety

The TAVS centre in Cardiff has been supporting the homeless and vulnerably housed since 2001. The centre describes themselves as a safe space to be creative where people grow in confidence, see positive change and recognise there is hope, through their bakery, choir and creative space.

The folk we support don’t have any other networks of support, safety net or family or friends. We’re consistent and present for the folk at the centre. That’s really important.

Nkini Pulei, TAVS co-ordinator

Since March 2021, FareShare Cymru has been providing TAVS with good quality, surplus food for their weekly Food Co-op. For £2 a week, people can fill a bag with a wide variety of healthy food from fruit and veg, to tins to meat and dairy. The Food Co-op is about more than just handing out food and TAVS also provides people with cooking equipment like vegetable peelers to enable them to get the best of out the food provided.

We appreciate the variety of food (from FareShare Cymru) –the dairy, veg and meat are popular. It’s a good opportunity for people to have fruit and veg which might not be people’s priorities when buying food. I’ve enjoyed the opportunity for people to try new things too. We’ve had things they’ve enjoyed but haven’t been able to afford. We’ve been able to give people a better diet.

Nkini Pulei, TAVS co-ordinator

TAVS has seen a growth in the range of people who are accessing their food co-op from the homeless, vulnerably housed to the local community who are struggling with food. They hope to reopen their full service soon to provide cooking skills and craft days to give even more support to the local community.