FareShare Cymru wants to send a massive thank you to our friends at the OV Group for their fantastic donation of 10,000 Easter eggs. We know these were incredibly well-received by our community group and charity members ahead of the Easter weekend.
A luxury item for many, OV Group’s donation of chocolate eggs meant that our members were able to enjoy a treat over the Bank Holiday weekend, which they may not have had without this donation.
Speaking about their decision to donate, Cherry Blumberg – Managing Director OV Group said:
The chocolate Easter Eggs are produced at our St Ives site, OV County’s, where this year the amazing team have produced over 1.1 million eggs!!! At OV we believe in our values, and “We Care” is one of our four principles values which guide us in our business. When we saw an opportunity to support our communities at Easter, through this donation to FareShare, we knew it was absolutely the right thing to do. If 10,000 Easter Eggs can bring 10,000 treats, and maybe a little cheer (10,000 smiles), to those who are struggling, especially as this really challenging time, this makes OV enormously proud.
Cherry Blumberg – Managing Director, OV Group

Thanking OV Group for the donation, Simon Stranks – Food Sourcing Coordinator for FareShare Cymru said:
FareShare Cymru is incredibly grateful whenever a food industry partner steps-up and makes sure surplus food goes to people wherever possible. We know that items like Easter eggs are a luxury that some of our members wouldn’t be able to afford, so we know this donation was able to put a smile on so many people’s faces. These Easter eggs were distributed amongst our community group and charity members, so we thank OV Group for going above and beyond by donating a massive quantity of high-quality chocolate eggs.
Simon Stranks – Food Sourcing Coordinator, FareShare Cymru
If your business agrees that surplus food is better off going to people rather than to waste, and would like to donate any surplus to FareShare Cymru, please contact Simon@fareshare.cymru