Foodshare fulfilling an important purpose in Llantwit Major

Foodshare Llantwit provides food support to individuals living in Llantwit Major in the Vale of Glamorgan, who may be struggling financially. The majority of the food is provided by FareShare Cymru and FareShare Go, who distribute good quality surplus food to community groups who need it.  

“Foodshare fulfils a really important purpose in our local community

Angela Baker-Earle, Foodshare Coordinator 

Foodshare Llantwit is just one of the projects held at the CF61 centre. As well as being able to access fresh and chilled food for free once a week, residents can benefit from a regular community café, seed swap, lending library and zero waste shop. This makes CF61 even more vital for the area.  

I think the more things we can do whilst Foodshare is going on, it creates much more of a community effect

Angela Baker-Earle, Foodshare Coordinator 

Many people visit Foodshare Llantwit because they are struggling with the increases in cost of living and, by using the service, they have access to food they might not otherwise have been able to afford.  

I don’t tend to buy as much fresh stuff because it is so so expensive. I’ve picked up raspberries here today. In the normal shop, it’s so expensive it puts me off buying it.” 

Michelle,  FoodShare service user 

Residents of Llantwit Major are limited in the places they can shop locally, and therefore might be forced in to paying prices they can’t afford. Foodshare Llantwit aims to provide a stop gap for individuals who struggle financially with their weekly shop, whilst also supporting those who would have no food without the service. 

“Hopefully by having this programme, we can stop some people from going over into that real desperate need of not having enough food”

Angela Baker-Earle, Foodshare Coordinator

FareShare Cymru aims to provide all members with a wide variety of foods and fresh produce, depending on what surplus food is available. This means users of Foodshare Llantwit aren’t limited on choice. 

“Just because you can’t afford food doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to make choices about what you’d like to eat, what you’d like to feed your family. Fareshare allow us to provide more of a choice, fresher food and more protein options”  

Angela Baker-Earle, Foodshare Coordinator

Foodshare Llantwit has come out of a project called Rebuild that start over 2 years ago, to support people living in Llantwit Major. Foodshare now has around 45 weekly users and treats everyone with respect and kindness.  

“Last week we had lots of flowers because it was after Mother’s Day…and the number of people that were really happy to just walk away with a bunch of flowers. It’s just about the little things. And for people using Foodshare quite often those things are as important as getting the food.”

Angela Baker-Earle, Foodshare Coordinator