Meet our volunteer Meurig

Meurig joined the volunteering team at FareShare Cymru about 1 month ago and is currently doing 1 day a week, but is happy to do more if needed! He joined at the end of the summer when FareShare Cymru were in need of more volunteers as many of those who had joined us over the summer went back to work. He heard about the opportunity through the adverts that Co-op were running and thought it was something he would enjoy. 

Meurig is ‘semi-retired’, working as a freelance consultant and doing DIY work and other things in his spare time. Meurig started volunteering because he wanted to keep social while doing something beneficial for the community. 

“I think it is really important for peoples mental wellbeing to engage with different groups of people. I also wanted to give something back to the community and help keep community spirit high, so I thought I would really enjoy volunteering at FareShare Cymru’. 

Meurig is one of our delivery drivers, which involves dropping off the food pallets to individual community food members. It also involves taking the food to local collection points, such as the one in Swansea, where several organisations meet to collect the food supplies and then distribute it. 

He says “I am really enjoying the role as I like driving and it gives me an opportunity to find out more about FareShare as an organisation.”. He does mention that he has also got his eye on the forklift truck, so we will see how that goes!

In terms of COVID-19 Meurig says he feels very safe in the depot and out in the van as masks are mandatory and the depot is well prepared with antibacterial gel and other protective measures. 

He is keen to continue volunteering and especially during COVID-19 as there are more people requiring support because of unemployment, low incomes and self-isolation measures. 

Thank you for joining us Meurig and for doing such a great job!